Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Yota Phone is a mobile and eReader all in one!

Not content with your Samsung Galaxy S3’s massive LCD display? Perhaps you need to double up – in which case, you might want to keep an eye out for the Yota Phone.
This Russian-made handset – which has been unveiled at Mobile World Congress 2013 – has a 1280×720 pixel 4.3-inch LCD screen on its front, but around the back you’ll discover an additional 4.3 EPD (electronic paper display), which can be used to display notifications, the time and date and view who is calling you. We imagine it would be pretty handy for reading books on, too.
You might assume that having two screens is a one-way ticket to drains-ville, but because that e-ink panel uses so little power, the Yota’s battery life isn’t all that dissimilar to other blowers. The phone runs Android Jelly Bean and is expected to launch in its native Russian this year before being pushed out to Asian markets.
There’s no word on a UK release as yet, but the tech behind the handset is made by Qualcomm – and that could mean a marketing push in other parts of the world.
Is a two-screen phone something you’d be interested in, or is one display enough distraction for you? Leave a comment to let us know.

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